747 Short Story Unit Plan
Technology for English Language Learners
Sometimes the best way to learn about something is by going to someone who is an expert. For baking, the expert in our class is Julie! Julie invited me over to make a Carrot cake with Caitie. Baking with friends… Continue Reading →
The day before Halloween I decided to make pumpkin brownies and candy bar blondies! Both of these recipes were from a magazine for Halloween baking treats! These photos are from my brownies they turned out amazing and… Continue Reading →
Today in class we talked about how we can include students through technology in the classroom. This involves certain elements like a Telepresence robot. Immediately, I think that this would be great for students who have certain disabilities and… Continue Reading →
When looking into apps for English Language Learning, there was one app that everyone seemed to recommend–duolingo! duolingo is a game-based app that is used to teach people a language. To be honest, I love duolingo so I am a… Continue Reading →
Robert Kozma Vrs. Richard Clark Today in class we learned about different opinions on Media. One was from Richard E. Clark who argued that media does not influence learning. His opinion is based on research that adding media to a… Continue Reading →
Today we learned about EdCamp in class. They are completely free and built to help build communities and make better educators. It is a great place for teachers to share different pedagogy and help teachers build different techniques. We then… Continue Reading →
Since this week it turns October, I thought I would do something with Pumpkin! I love Pumpkin flavoured baking! I decided this time to attempt to learn a recipe from a Youtube video. The video by “Joyofbaking” had the most… Continue Reading →
For my first project in Free Inquiry, I decided to make Banana Bread because I had a lot of old Bananas. Advice that I was given was that when you first start baking you should use recipes that have been… Continue Reading →
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